Business: United Fashions

Duration Of Business:
1940s -1970
Location Of Business:
Alfred Street the Valley
Name Of Business:
United Fashions
Type Of Business:
Clothing factory
Business Address
Calile Malouf and Sons established United Fashions to design and manufacture women’s clothing. The first factory was in Watson Chambers at 141 Queen Street, Brisbane. During World War Two, this factory was used to make mosquito nets. In about 1962, the family purchased premises in Alfred Street, The Valley which they renovated into a purpose built factory. Calile Malouf’s son-in-law, Faris Ganim managed the factory and later his sons, Paul and Peter, joined him.
Responsible for the Marsha Mayne label, United Fashions was a thriving enterprise with ‘about 40 or 50 machinists and three or four designers and about three or four cutters’. At first, United Fashions provided clothing for the family’s fashion store, Marcia Gowns, but eventually sold Australia wide. Particularly known for its bridal gowns, the Marsha Mayne label is still in circulation as vintage wear.
Calile Malouf and Catherine Malouf, email response to questions from Anne Monsour, 12 January 2021.
Paul Ganim, interview with Anne Monsour, Brisbane 2020.
Queensland Museum, I Do! Wedding Stories from Queensland, Events and Exhibitions, 2021.
Richard G. Malouf, interview with Anne Monsour, Brisbane, 2019.